One Lone Conservative's Reality in a Sea of Liberal Delusion's
....and the idiots who march lockstep behind them!
Published on April 29, 2004 By couchman In Current Events
Recently, in a news story broke by The Christian Science Monitor reporter Rondi Adamson, Canada has decided to grant temporary refugee status on Army Privates Jeremy Hinzman (25) & Brandon Hughley (19) who fled to Canada after being informed that their units would be begining the process of deployment for action in ongoing operations in Iraq/Afghanistan. Out of 1.5 million Americans currently serving, to date only these two cowards decided to run for the hills....although they have become the darlings of the hyper-left here and the sizeable anti-Americanism in Canada. The two explain that they consider the current actions in Iraq to be illegal (gee did they miss the footnotes bout not needing a formal declaration of war with a said country if there is only a cease-fire agreement in place?) Both men have applied for asylum in Canada which by law can only be granted if said person can prove they'll be killed or persecuted in their homeland.....not prosecuted....and knowing Canadas fine legal and goverment system which is known for speedy can take up to five years for a decision to be made...all the while the two would be eligable for financial support from the Canadian goverment pending the outcome.

Since the two cowards, traitors, useless sacks of..well you know...(your choice) fled to Canada....with Hizman living in Toronto and Hughley in St. Catherines have made the anti-american, anti-war circuit in are so 'friendly' neighbor to the north eventually being part of several CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corp)shows ....the CBC is notoriously known for its biased 'objectivity' regarding reporting on the United States, has nearly been orgasmic with glee over the problems in which they aired promos during the said shows stating, "For more than 200 years, Americans have been escaping war and strife in the US by heading North," & "They came during the War of Independence, they came during the Civil War, the Vietnam War, ...and now there's that other war in Iraq. It's only a trickle, but it's starting to happen again."......A trickle? So 2 individuals are now considered a trickle?
In effect the two deserters have had kid gloves and almost unserious questions from the media they allow to interview them...

As per usual of the Useful Idiots crowd, Susan Sarandon (Internationally known military analyst and geo-political know it has a personal letter of support on Hizman's web site (opps...did i forget to inform you that both deserters have web sites up and running for donations and letter writing campaigns..not to mention high priced PR firms) stating that "In times of war there have always been soldiers who have drawn the line, and have refused to follow orders they feel in their hearts to be immoral." Well golly! aint that called a conscientious objector? Not exactly the definition of a deserter...or deserters as is the case! On Hughey's site..he promises us all good karma if we contact our representatives here and in Canada on his behalf!

Some of the extreme news reports from various 'legitimate' papers/networks in the Great White North have said the two had "escaped" from the US after being "lured" into military service. Do I laugh now or wait a few seconds? They have even been compared to the slaves traveling via the underground railroad? Lord knows the US still has a draft...opps sorry we have an all-Volunteer force ...go to the underground railroad see...voluntary enlistment compared to people who were bought and sold? Yeah that makes

Both are being represented, free of charge, by Jeffry House, a former American draft dodger who fled to Canada with between 30,000 - 60,000 others during Vietnam. Their excuses are as lame as their backbone....Hinzman joined up in Jan. 01 and .."was amazed that he was being trained to kill" ( think one might be trained to kill in the military...when everyone knows they train in needle point!) As for Hughey, he joined up after 9/11 and knew full well the nation and military were on a war footing....but maybe he was just naive. To post a line from Hughey's site, "Picture being 1,500 miles from everything and everyone you know." Now for a bit of paraphrasing from Rondi Adamson....Picture being 7,000 miles from everything and everyone you know, in unthinkable conditions, under fire, doing the duty you signed on for, while former comrades who ran away from duty update their websites in Canada!

In the end...much has been made of the fact that many currently serving with Honor in our military signed up as a way to obtain money for college did not run as these two did...but instead agreed to do the job asked of them when they enlisted in the first place instead of heading for the hills as Hinzman and Hughey final point...Staff Sgt. Camilo Mejia turned himself in to US military authorities for refusing to be deployed again to Iraq...he will undoubtably be tried before a court martial for his stance but at least he had the will of his convictions to stand and face the music as it were ....not something the two in Canada did let alone even ponder and for that main reason..I have some respect for Mejia while there will never be any respect but only disgust for Hughey and Hinzman.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Apr 30, 2004
Good for Canada! We used to watch the numbers coming up on TV to see if my brother's were on there. The entire family ready to go to Canada if they were.
on Apr 30, 2004
Good article!

Some of the extreme news reports from various 'legitimate' papers/networks in the Great White North have said the two had "escaped" from the US after being "lured" into military service. Do I laugh now or wait a few seconds? They have even been compared to the slaves traveling via the underground railroad? Lord knows the US still has a draft...opps sorry we have an all-Volunteer force ...go to the underground railroad see...voluntary enlistment compared to people who were bought and sold? Yeah that makes

That was a bit much....

Staff Sgt. Camilo Mejia turned himself in to US military authorities for refusing to be deployed again to Iraq...he will undoubtably be tried before a court martial for his stance but at least he had the will of his convictions to stand and face the music as it were

Exactly. Better to 'do the right thing' than run with your tail tucked between your legs.

on Apr 30, 2004

I agree with your post and I say send 'em straight back home. Here is the problem: Anyone can show up in Canada and say they are a refugee. Even Warren Buffet, I'm not kidding. They can issue a ruling failry quickly I think, but under Canada's Charter of Rights everyone is entitled to an appeal in judicial and tribunal decisions. And our very stupid Supreme Court says this even applies to refugees as soon as they land on Canadian soil. So they appeal. Refugee appeals can take up to five years, during which time they may not legally work, but are eligible for welfare. But many of them disappear into their respective ethnic communities and don't even show up for the appeal. The federal government can invoke the "notwithstanding clause" in our Constitution to pass legislation overruling the Supreme Court, or just hire a bunch of immigration officers to deal with the backlog, but that ain't gonna happen under this government. The ruling Liberal party is very pro-immigration and needs immigrant votes on election day. Canada will hold an election in the next 6 months and there is a good chance the Liberals won't form a majority, so the situation may change for the better soon.
on Apr 30, 2004

Anyone who cannot differentiate between a consciencious objector and a military deserter deserves no respect.

Canada should turn over the deserters. There's no draft going on, these are people who signed on to be in the military. They should go to prison.

on Apr 30, 2004
If you volunteer to go help at a local clinic and discover that the clinic is doing things to people that you object to, you have the right to stand up and say this is wrong. If you were ordered there by a judge to sevre time for a crime, you have the right to stand up and say this is wrong. If I volunteer to defend my country and I decide that fighting is in this is not what I volunteered for, why should I be a deserter?
on Apr 30, 2004
I agree with the article.
I disagree with your point of view.
(to put it simply) When they sign up for the military it is voluntary. Once you have committed yourself, you sign a binding contract that says you give them four plus years. Depending on branch and type of job. (My hubby had to sign for 6 years). When in boot camp you are "sworn" in and you state you will follow ALL orders and laws handed down from the acting President and your immediate or officers(following chain of command). From that point on you are theirs for how ever long it is you signed up for. Unless, you screw up majorly or work hard to get out early.
The President ordered the troops to Iraq/Afghanistan. Period. They have a sworn duty to protect this country and follow orders especially those handed down from the President. Period. When they were at boot camp, they had time to decide to leave. If he realized they were training him to kill he should have went through the steps to get out.
Those two boys are using Canada as an excuse. It's a slap in the face to every soldier out there on the front lines right now.
It's despicable behavior.

hit the nail, there is no draft going on. And even if there was it's not a matter of protecting our country anymore, but protecting those on the front lines now. They are beginning to see it is highly likely they can become out number very quickly. That's scary.
on Apr 30, 2004
tough question. But Canada, being a relatively peaceful country, is an attractive place for those who are too scared or too moral to go to war.
on Apr 30, 2004
The hypocrisy is thick enough to cut with a knife, the Trotskyites claim that Bush deserted the guard; they keep alleging that he was AWOL even though they have no proof. They decry Bush’s alleged desertion, but when an actual case of desertion occurs, they hail the deserters as saviors.
on Apr 30, 2004
"they keep alleging that he was AWOL even though they have no proof"
It's kind of funny how the people had to pull Bush's teeth to get the papers they were asking for. Of course there's no evidence when the accused refuses to listen to the courts and decides to not hand over the records that prove Bush did fuck all during his National Guard stint. There are too many questions surrounding Bush's record and he's not talking. There's something dishonest about his refusals to cooperate.
on Apr 30, 2004
Pull teeth to get papers? I don't have paperwork from 5 years ago let alone 30 years ago. It's about the hassle of having to find records that are giong to be politically scrutinized. Anthony has a good point too -- outright deserters get hailed by the left while they slam Bush because they don't think flying jets for the National Guard was enough. Intellectual dishonesty at its finest.
on Apr 30, 2004
lol. you know darn well that Bush skirted his duties and never even showed up for his post. That's all fact. Why you would diss me over it is kind of beyond me. Why get angry at me when all I'm doing is repeating the only logical conclusion? And Kerry was in actual combat and won medals. Bush didn't go to Vietnam. How dare he insult Kerry for serving his country? I find it odd how many Americans are attacking a legitimate war hero and backing a war dodger. Worst of all is McCain not standing up loudly defending Kerry from the Republican jabs, but only concerning the Vietnam conflict. Kerry deserves support from fellow veterans, especially those who have experienced war and pain.
on Apr 30, 2004
If I volunteer to defend my country and I decide that fighting is in this is not what I volunteered for, why should I be a deserter?

Because you signed a contract. You're legally bound. That's why. What does the military do? How does it defend this country? By fighting. If you're too dumb to see that then you probably shouldn't be in the military in the first place. I personally am glad they ran away. I don't want people like that, lame ass cowards, serving alongside my husband and my friends. If I had to serve with them, I'd be afraid they'd run off at the first sign of trouble and compromise not only the mission but the lives of the other people on the team. So, good riddance. But, the government will have it's pound of flesh, and when it catches up with them, and it will...I hope they get sent to Leavenworth to do some time.
on Apr 30, 2004
In other words, I could join the military, take advantage of its benefits, and when it's time to go to war, I could flee to Canada without any consequences?
on Apr 30, 2004
That is exactly what these guys are pulling Super Baby. I see it as a sign of the times personally. I know too many people of this generation that expect the benefits but don't want to do the work. They want their college paid for and all of the kudos that come with serving in the military but don't want any of the risk. It just can't be compared to kids running to Canada during Vietnam. Being forced into the military via draft is a whole different ball game. Not that I think it is a good thing to ever be a deserter but I just can't understand it when the guys volunteered in the first place.
on Apr 30, 2004
what if the soldier knows it's not worth dying for? If they know the reasons for war were all lies? Then what? I sympathize with the guys who joined the guard to receive an education. They're the disadvantaged. And I would bet that each one who signed up asked, in jest or not, what the odds were that they'd ever be called to serve in a hellfire battlezone with their limited training. Actually, I have a thread in the Mouse House about David Hackworth, and he's got lots to say about the National Guard combat (un)readiness. Half of them are unfit for duty and many have been shipped to Iraq despite evidence of serious medical ailments.
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