One Lone Conservative's Reality in a Sea of Liberal Delusion's
...and want America's downfall
Published on February 11, 2005 By couchman In Politics
After doing some surf'n I ran into this intresting (at least in my opinion) little article and thought I'd like to see whats everyones take on it. (By the way to all my fans on the left (who hate me for some reason, come on you know you do) I am back-Couchman)

Why the Left Loves Osama
By Nelson Ascher | February 11, 2005

Maybe we, or at least many of us, were too busy commemorating the fall of the Berlin wall in late 1989. Thus, we overlooked all those people who weren’t exactly happy with the outcome of the Cold War. Well, perhaps “overlooking” is not the appropriate term.

I, for instance, had an acquaintance (deceased since then), a hardliner Trotskyite who should have felt partly vindicated by the failure of the system erected by his hero’s archenemy, Stalin. But he didn’t look vindicated at all. It wasn’t easy for him, in that climate of euphoria, to give full vent to his disappointment, but still he managed to mutter a few words about the “wrong” turn events were beginning to take in Eastern Europe, and he was not talking about the looming shadows of the Balkan wars (which were clearly visible by then). No: he complained that those societies, instead of using their newly conquered freedom to correct their course and head full-speed towards the socialist utopia, were rather turning to Western style “alienated” consumerism.

But there were probably, no, not probably, but surely, those who felt utterly defeated at the time. They just didn’t think it was advisable to go public with their anger and frustration. Also, in the late 80s and early 90s, Western Europe was at the top of its economic and social performance. Western Europeans were then almost as affluent as the Americans and, so, some could console themselves with the appearance that the whole thing wasn’t basically an American victory, but rather a Western one - and that Europe would anyway soon eclipse the USA.

For Western Europe however, the next 15 years were a unidirectional stroll down the slope. It became less and less competitive compared to the US and both high levels of unemployment and low growth rates came to stay. And the growing, alienated, Muslim minorities didn’t become any more assimilated in the meanwhile. But, on the other hand, Bill Clinton asking non-stop the world to forgive his country’s sins and his reluctance to take decisive action after many terrorist attacks projected a re-comforting image of a repentant, humbled and weakened America.

Those whom the fall of the Berlin Wall had left orphans of a cause, spent the next decade plotting the containment of the US. It was a complex operation that involved the (in many cases state-sponsored) mushrooming of NGOs, Kyoto, the creation of the ICC, the salami tactics applied against America’s main strategic ally in the Middle-East, Israel, through the Trojan Horse of the Oslo agreements, the subversion of the sanctions against Iraq etc. I’m not as conspiratorially-minded as to think that all these efforts were in any way centralized or that they had some kind of master-plan behind them. It was above all the case of the spirit of the times converging, through many independent manifestations, towards a single goal. Nonetheless we can be sure that, after those manifestations reached a critical mass, there has been no lack of efforts to coordinate them.

And so, spontaneously up to a point, anti-Americanism became the alternative ideology that came to fill in the vacuum left by the failure of traditional, USSR-based communism and its Maoist or Trotskyite satellites. Before 1989, the global left had something to fight for: either the strengthening of the communist states or the correction of what they called their bureaucratic distortions. To fight for something is simultaneously to fight against whatever threatens it, and thus, the leftists were anti-Western and anti-Americans too, anti-capitalistic in short.

Now, whatever they wanted to defend or protect doesn’t exist anymore. They have only things to destroy, and all those things are personified in the US, in its very existence. They may, outwardly, fight for some positive cause: save the whales, rescue the world from global heating and so on. But let’s not be deceived by this: they choose as their so-called positive causes only the ones that have both the potential of conferring some kind of innocent legitimacy on themselves and, much more important, that of doing most harm to their enemy, whether physically or to its image.

We, well, at least I was wrong to dismiss the pre-1989 leftists as dinosaurs condemned to extinction by evolution. While I was looking the other way, they were regrouping, inventing new slogans, creating new tactics and, above all, keeping the flames of their hatred burning. The history is still to be written about the moment when the left made its collective mind up and decided to strike an alliance with radical Islam. It had been tried before, in Iran/79, but, threatened by the USSR to the north and by its Iraqi client to the West, Khomeini didn’t have much time for the local leftists, nor did he need them. The idea of such an alliance was probably (re)-born in several different minds and in several different places, and it would be as difficult to say exactly where it took place first as it is to say which grain of corn is the first to pop when one’s making pop-corn. All that can be said is that, right now, we have a “fait accompli”.

This newly ever-growing Western left, not only in Europe, but in Latin America and even in the US itself, has a clear goal: the destruction of the country and society that vanquished its dreams fifteen years ago. But it does not have, as in the old days of the Soviet Union, the hard power to accomplish this by itself. Thanks to this, all our leftist friends’ bets are now on radical Islam. What can they do to help it? Answer: tie down America’s superior strength with a million Liliputian ropes: legal ones, political ones, with propaganda and disinformation etc. Anything and everything will do.

In the same way as the murderers of 911 used the West’s technology against itself, the contemporary left will do its best to turn democracy into a suicidal pact. This is already being done, obviously. The fight for Guantanamo Bay is, in many ways, as important as that for Baghdad. And, whenever a British born terrorist is released and sent back to the UK, to be joyfully acclaimed by the pages of “The Guardian”, “The Independent” or through the waves of the BBC, that fight is being lost. Radical Islam is being given one more tactical victory and the left’s strategy is being vindicated.

There has been some talk recently about the probable inevitability of a nuclear attack on the mainland US in, say, the next ten or fifteen years. The Berlin Wall’s orphans are already busy creating the slogans, formulating the dogmas, writing down the articles and books that will allow them, when the worst happens, to lay all the blame on the victims, making retaliation as difficult as it can be. They’re carefully preparing their case and the court is already in session.

Comments (Page 4)
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on Mar 10, 2005
Were we separated at birth or something? If not, will you marry me, couchman?

LoL, I hope you are female otherwise it's gonna be the 'just good friends' route....
on Mar 10, 2005
While I think the article is well thought out, it's so far of the mark it's embarresing for me to even contemplate some one would believe this theory. Firstly anti US sentiment has existed long before the fall of the "WALL" and just as a matter of fact the US did not precipitate the fall of the USSR and its allies, it was the people of those nations. Secondly if you wish to understand the reasons behind the anti US sentiement then take the time to go 2000 years to the roman empire, there are where the reall similarities lie. Whilist the US may only wish for all to get along, which even I a person who regularly criticises the US will admit, not all wish to be told by an imperialist nation such as the US, this is a natural human reaction, and will always happen whether the nation is the US, UK France Germany or any other country. Cultures are different people are different and not all agree with the US administration. So sir if you wish to look at this situation I suggest you look at it in its correct context instead of just blaming the left. I also think that over the next few years the power of the US will weaken as new economic giants appear, this after all is where true power comes from. Obviously the countries I am thinking of are China, India and the EU (not a country but and economic union). China being the biggest. Also china does not fear or rely on the US for its economic success, nor does the US have any impact on China. I however do not believe as some do that the US will crumble, but I do believe it will move further to the background as it becomes more involved in domestic policy and its own problems. Also as the supply of traditional forms fo fuels become scarce you will see the countries with new technology and or larger supplies will become more economoically powerfull due to their ocontrol of these resources. As you cazn see feeling about the US are a bit more complex than some on the right would have you believe.
on Mar 10, 2005
By the way I think Osama to be the grand Bastard of them all and feel only pain and sorrow for the people of the countries who have been affected by his evil touch. The wave of terror precipitated by him and his cohorts is the biggest threat to world peace we have seen since the two ww wars and the cold war.
on Mar 10, 2005
Who says Iraq will fall into that mess?

anyone who doesnt rashly underestimate sistani (not simply because of the power he wields over the shi'a majority; he's also one of the most incredibly skillful political strategists alive today). i welcome anything which helps to calm things down in the middle east...even a little bit. anyone who was alive and paying attention to iran the late 70s yet doesnt see far too many ominous similarities has either forgotten more than is healthy or is deliberately trying to ignore them. you can howl all you want about lefties but i'm pretty sure youre the one whos letting partisanship cloud your vision

Iraqi shites dont suscribe/follow the same sect of Islam as say Iran or Saudi Arabia.......
In Iran they follow the Qom (I believe I spelled it right) sect of Islam which is basiclly reactionary and extremist(though

qom is a major shrine and religious center in iran. its iraqi equivalent is an najaf. to suggest there's a huge ideologic gulf is about as realistic as qualifying the competition between usc and ucla as doctrinal differences.

while there may be some residual antagonism between iraqi shiites towards those iraqi shiites who were living in exile in iran at the time of the iran-iraq war and wound up fighting against iraq, there's no significant doctrinal or political difference between the shi'a in iraq or iran. the saudis are wahabbi and consider the shi'a more heretical than do the sunnis.

al-sistani may not be particularly enamored of the iranian 'guide' and his followers, but neither you nor any other americans have a clue as to his intent. for good reason, too. sistani refuses to meet or talk to any of em. on the other hand, he certainly didnt mind sitting back and looking on while our troops helped him to show the iraqi shi'a how slickly he could get us to keep al-sadr occupied (not to mention weakening his armed militia in the process). when sistani finally judged the moment right for a full-on demonstration of just how powerful he is, you may remember the man didnt argue or harangue anyone. just a whisper and the several months siege of najaf was over. he's a considerably more able politician than khomeni. for that reason alone, he is potentially much more dangerous.
on Mar 10, 2005
Who says Iraq will fall into that mess?

anyone who doesnt rashly underestimate sistani (not simply because of the power he wields over the shi'a majority; he's also one of the most incredibly skillful political strategists alive today). i welcome anything which helps to calm things down in the middle east...even a little bit. anyone who was alive and paying attention to iran the late 70s yet doesnt see far too many ominous similarities has either forgotten more than is healthy or is deliberately trying to ignore them. you can howl all you want about lefties but i'm pretty sure youre the one whos letting partisanship cloud your vision

Partisanship? Guess again. Even Sen Edward Kennedy said yesterday that what has happened over there is a good thing. wanna tell me again about partisianship?
on Mar 10, 2005
I also think that over the next few years the power of the US will weaken as new economic giants appear, this after all is where true power comes from. Obviously the countries I am thinking of are China, India and the EU (not a country but and economic union). China being the biggest.

I nearly fell of my chair laughing at this one.....
Keep dreaming.....
on Mar 10, 2005
and just as a matter of fact the US did not precipitate the fall of the USSR and its allies

Unless you want to count the massive military and cruise missle buildup Reagan pulled off in Europe in the 80s that bankrupted the USSR. That caused it and the rest of its subsidiary nations to fall just like the dominoes we were so afraid of for so long in Asia, and allowed the people to overthrow their governments.

You know, I always wonder why is it that these people always want to refer to the US as an "imperialist" country? How many empires in history went to war to establish or restore democracies in, rather than to dominate, other countries?
So sorry for working to ensure the rights and freedoms of our people and others in the world. If you feel threatened by that, maybe you need to reexamine your value system.
on Mar 10, 2005
So sorry for working to ensure the rights and freedoms of our people and others in the world. If you feel threatened by that, maybe you need to reexamine your value system.

How selfish of us...actually trying to make a better real world for all to pick and choose ,instead of pursuing a socialistic utopian society and imposing it on all ......
on Mar 10, 2005
How selfish of us...actually trying to make a better real world for all to pick and choose ,instead of pursuing a socialistic utopian society and imposing it on all ......

I jackbooted thugs struggling to thrust democracy and high standards of living upon those nations working so hard to manitain dictatorship and poverty. Shame on us.
on Mar 10, 2005
I jackbooted thugs struggling to thrust democracy and high standards of living upon those nations working so hard to manitain dictatorship and poverty. Shame on us.

If only us simple, arrogant, imperialistic Americans would only open up to the 'joys' of world socialism ......or perhaps if we infidels would only allow ourselves to be converted by force to Islamofascistic fundamentals, we would all be 'happy'.

Either we choose to be all 'equal' ecconomicly, intellectually, ,militarily or we become all become members of a death cult sacrificing our minds and bodies to the cause of some power seeking islamo-nut. Who needs freewill or a freemarket ecconomy where...gulp...we are judged on our accomplishments and not some goverment mandated quota....
on Mar 11, 2005
Blatant self-promotion coming:
Couchman, you need to read my article "Us arrogant Americans". You'd like it. Look it up.
on Mar 11, 2005
Blatant self-promotion coming: Couchman, you need to read my article "Us arrogant Americans". You'd like it. Look it up

Whats wrong with a little self-promotion?
on Mar 12, 2005
Partisanship? Guess again. Even Sen Edward Kennedy said yesterday that what has happened over there is a good thing. wanna tell me again about partisianship?

Nothing like the Left around the world having to sit down and eat a 5 course meal of Crow!
But give them 5 or 6 years and they will attempt to take credit again...they did with Reagans legacy
on Mar 25, 2005
You know, I always wonder why is it that these people always want to refer to the US as an "imperialist" country?

If America is this great big Imperialist nation....then can someone explain where is all that land we captured in all of our wars of agression?

WW1, WW2, Korea, Vietnam, Grenada, Panama, Gulf War1 & Gulf War 2....?

Aside from asking, if its not to much trouble, for a small plot of land to bury our dead....we have not asked for a god damm thing...territory wise.
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