One Lone Conservative's Reality in a Sea of Liberal Delusion's
Published on March 12, 2004 By couchman In Misc
Since i have scanned many blogs round the internet....there have been one simularity with regards to the quotes of the left...They have a need to quote George Orwell when describing some grand mysterious republican agenda....well in response heres abit of Orwell in return.... "Since Pacifists have more freedom of action in countries where even traces of democracy survives.....pacifism can only act more effectively against democracy than for it."
on Mar 12, 2004
Good point, we may as well just shoot all the pacifists.

Y'know, them being such a hate group and all.
on Mar 12, 2004
be careful with quotes that support your side. i disagree with goering that "the people" are stupid and easily tricked into wars. but here is his quote anyway:

hermann goering:
...the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.
on Mar 12, 2004
Has Her-Goering been reincarnated?...Hmm, who could it be?
on Mar 12, 2004
"And so, in my State of the—my State of the Union—or state—my speech to the nation, whatever you want to call it, speech to the nation—I asked Americans to give 4,000 years—4,000 hours over the next—the rest of your life—of service to America. That's what I asked—4,000 hours."

George W. Bush, 9 April 2002
on Mar 20, 2004
You worthless liberals need to move to iraq.Where when you voice your opinion about bush you can have all those iraqis he saved laugh in your face
on Apr 06, 2004
If he "saved" so many people, why is Iraq still in a state of chaos? Why are they still protesting against him? He didn't do anything but create a new dictatorship which suits his purposes instead if the country's. Iraq is worse off now than they were before.
on Apr 21, 2004
At least Bush has the balls to try and make a difference instead of talking about hings until they get completely out of hand...
Liberals seem to think if they wait long enough the problem will correct itself. Sorry, it does NOT work that way.....

If you let a bully have free run of the playground he will antogonize everyone until someone FINALLY stands up to him.

Bully=Terrorists, Terroristic nations, murdering dictators, etc
Playground=the world
Everyone=All the countries that think "he hasnt done anything to us so why should we do anything to him". Your lunch money is about to be beaten out of you.
The "Stand Up To Him" Someone=The US and it's allies.