I have heard many a person agree for some unknown reason that Terrorism is a crime and as such be treated as one....
Funny but didnt Clinton do that with the World Trade Center 1 bombers...Why weren't leads followed that some of the agents investigating that case believed led to state sponsorship..?Did Clinton( i might despise him as president, never said he was dumb) have another agenda that was more pressing i.e. the Palistinian/Isreali peace process that he considered more important to push...Lord knows if links to Iran, Syria, or even Iraq (which is possible since Ramsey Youseff in WTC1 had possible links to Iraqi Intel) were uncovered during that investigation, the country as a whole would have wanted blood and rightly so.
But on 9-11, the worst case of terrorism the world over has ever felt (granted the 2 US Embassy bombings in Africa were bad, as was every other act of terrorism up to 9-11) the sheer magnittude of the act itself propeled Al-Queda to centerstage. 3,000 lives snuffed out in a heartbeat...and there are still those who would rather treat terrorism as a crime...and many more have somehow forgotten the lessons learned via that tragedy...We are in a War...9-11 was signal enough for that...it's time to put up or shut up!
p.s. one final note....from bout the 75' onward to bout 9-10-01...bout 850 americans have died as a result of terrorism round the world....compare that with the results on 9-11..then ask me and the rest of the country to negotiate!