One Lone Conservative's Reality in a Sea of Liberal Delusion's
......Useful Idiots on Parade!!
Published on April 15, 2004 By couchman In Misc
Something I should have noted earlier but pocketed it away in the corner of my mind is the very interesting T-shirts that seem to be the 'required' dress of choice for the hyper-left's protest...these T-shirts almost always have some socialist/communist dictator or "hero"....most notably being Ernesto 'Che' Guevara...although there is the stadard rouges gallery of Castro, Mao, Stalin...even North Korea's version of the mad Elvis, Kim Jong-Il..and Saddam himself..!

Do these supporters of groups like and International A.N.S.W.E.R. , (FRONT GROUPS FOR THE WORKERS WORLD PARTY ..WHICH IN TURN IS A FRONT FOR THE AMERICAN COMMUNIST PARTY) even understand the very history of their T-Shirt idols? Do they even realize that in the course of history....communism killed over 100 million people....mostly from their own nations? Do they even care? Does it even factor in to their socialist rhetoric....even though its so passe' if not laughable? During the buildup to the war I confronted quite a few of the Useful Idiots in NYC...needless to say when i debated them on some facts....the BS that came out of their mouths almost made me turn around looking for the re-incarnation of Stalin, Andropov, Kruschev, and Gorby among the crowd! I wonder which particular mass murderer is to get his own T-shirt next? ....Jeffery Dalmer? Maybe if he was Moveon's posterboy...but currently that position is taken jointly between Saddam and Kim Jong-Il...with a guest spot by Bin Laden...go figure! In the end I will never understand the logic of the mostly overpampered prissies that line the hyper-lefts ranks...Some might ask..who am I to judge....and I would respond just an average american who is part of the growing ranks of those who are quite frankly tired of the incessant and overplayed anti-US rhetoric from this movement....Isnt it time for them to protest some Oil rig or something?

on Apr 15, 2004
Being anti-Bush should not be considered anti-U.S., otherwise that would be frightneningly similar to a dictatorship. This country gives us the freedom to speak our minds if we feel that we do not agree with the policies of our current president. We should all strive to to be anti-war isn't that what we are all trying to accomplish?
on Apr 15, 2004
Really, last i checked war was perfectly justified by the useful idiots listed in the article...just as long as the regime thats using it is a tolitarian regime of say N.K, Cuba, Iran, Iraq, etc...I would also like to add that most of these "false-flagged" groups have ties to organisations that strive for the re-unifaction of both NK and SK under NK rule...the former Iraqi regime, for is a neccessary for is an illusion of the naive and works bout as well in real life as communism...impractical...
on Apr 16, 2004

on Apr 16, 2004
From what I understand, war against a country without oil is perfectly fine, but war against a country with war is evil!

I love that animation, Anthony!
on Apr 16, 2004
From what I understand, war against a country without oil is perfectly fine, but war against a country with war is evil!I love that animation, Anthony!

Truer words have never been spoken..or written....Who'd have thought using logic to tackle a debate issue could win points....I award you 10 points for being realistic and sane....(must not be a member of the anti-war crowd as they rarely are)
on Apr 17, 2004
love that animation, Anthony!

This is another good one! lol

on Apr 17, 2004
I am rabidly anti-war, and anti-Bush. I am not a communist. I despise dicatatorships. In the end, remember, it is people like myself who provide you with the freedom to spout party-line nonsense.

On a related note, Gorby, Che Guevarra, etc., were not responsible for the deaths of 100 million people, or whatever stat you chose to quote. The primary cause of the deaths in the Soviet world was the dictatorship of Stalin. In plain terms, this was not a socialist regime, but a communist regime. In truth, it was even rogue in that category. There has never been a viable, and fundamentally true, communist nor socialist regime. To pretend there has been is ridiculous.

Remember, the greatness of man is to aspire to the greatness of man. That is why Guevarra, Lenin, etc., remain on t-shirts. (These men were not, truly, dictators.) The reason Mao, Stalin, Kim Jung Il, etc., are on t-shirts is to draw a parallel between themselves and your president. It is not to glorify the deaths of millions. If you choose to call the rabid left a bunch of peace-niks, that's one thing; if you choose to describe them as totalitarian, or in favor of massive, ethnically based death, then you are sadly confused. I'd check your facts before you make generalizations.

on Apr 17, 2004
I am rabidly anti-war, and anti-Bush. I am not a communist. I despise dicatatorships. In the end, remember, it is people like myself who provide you with the freedom to spout party-line nonsense.

Actually, it is people who have went to war who provide you and me with the freedom to spout party-line nonsense. Anti-war people who call any leader who goes to war a dictator generally just bitch and moan.
on Apr 17, 2004
Remember, the greatness of man is to aspire to the greatness of man. That is why Guevarra, Lenin, etc., remain on t-shirts. (These men were not, truly, dictators.) The reason Mao, Stalin, Kim Jung Il, etc., are on t-shirts is to draw a parallel between themselves and your president. It is not to glorify the deaths of millions. If you choose to call the rabid left a bunch of peace-niks, that's one thing; if you choose to describe them as totalitarian, or in favor of massive, ethnically based death, then you are sadly confused. I'd check your facts before you make generalizations.

So, to describe a group of people to think that it was wrong to oust a dictator who killed millions of people as totalitarian, is to be confused, but to compare George W. Bush to Mao, Stalin, and Kim Jung Il, isn't? This is why nobody takes the left seriously. It's one thing not to like Bush and think he's a terrible president, but I don't see him killing millions of innocent people and I really doubt that he has absolute power over the nation (and if he does, then why are Democrats going to bother to vote since he's a dictator).
on Apr 17, 2004
Damm SuperBaby, lol...any more rational responses and one might think your center hate it that you beat me to the to micro-brain Dylarama...why dont you do what most of hollywood is to cuba for a private meeting with'd fit right to Che, castro, mao, and the rest of the useful idiots guild of heros, they advanced their rhetoric on the lives of many....scum is scum
on May 14, 2004
The methods the president used to establish panic ie: wmd, terror collarborations were proved false. Had he the nerve to just be frank with his voters and say, this man has committed human rights violations for years, let's stop this - I think this war would have been supported differently. In the simplest of terms, direct confrontation was not needed to remove Saddam from leadership. To be goaded into action because of this smacks of british arrogance 100 years prior.

It is one thing to be lied to. It is quite another to be have open admission of intellegence failures and be told, "so what?" That is where the problem is.

on May 14, 2004
exactly. If it was a noble cause, why all the lies leading up to it? Iraqi drones able to reach the US shores....what a crock of crap. By the way North Korea told the US to go fuck itself on it's own flagpole and that it has nukes ready to use on New York...but Bushithead called it a diplomatic oil in North Korea.