In the early morning hours, foreign invaders attacked the United States using aircraft to launch a devastating blow that shocked the psychie of the American people and called into question their willingness to fight back. It was the first time in history that an attack of this magnitude and daring was launched against American soil, in its aftermath lay thousands of dead and dying and an almost bitter taste of revenge needing to be quenched in the minds of all in the US.
Who is to blame for this attack? How many more have died in the aftermath of the attack? Which political party is to blame? Where is the apology to the American people for allowing the United States of America to come under a surprise attack, an attack that clearly was an ACT OF WAR!
The Attacker's goal was a simple break the will of the U.S. Did this cowardly attack divide us as a nation following it as was their goal or did it unite us in one loud voice to say, "THIS WONT GO UNCHALLENGED!" Following that fateful day, Americans were united as one mind and nothing could deter us from our path!
It is interesting to note that the period in question I'm writing bout is not 9/11 as one might gather... but 12/7/41... the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor which left 4,700 Americans dead or wounded and essentially sunk a large chunk of the Pacific Fleet.
I am amazed quite frankly at how fast Americans forget the hard fought lessons of WW2. Did we stop and cry that that the opposing political party was to blame for the current crisis or did we as a nation place that blame squarely where it deserved...the Japanese and ultimately the axis powers. Some might say that the the current adimistration discredited the few theories that terrorists might use civilian airliners as a poor mans WMD, or at the very least failed to forsee it...personally im bit indifferent to that kind of thinking. I would add that prior to the Pearl Harbor bombing, the very idea of using naval bombers/torpedo bombers from aircraft carriers to attack a major naval base...more American base by the Japanese was almost laughable though very ..very few theorised it...Most notably General Billy Mitchel in the 1920's.
While in WW2, our enemy was very clear-cut, today our enimies hide amid the shadows...rarely coming out from under their rocks to fight. They have essentially perverted what is generally a peaceful religion for their own needs and have spread across the globe...including here in the US. We sit blaming one political party or the other for everyones failures... instead of blaming the very terrorist leaders or groups that are to blame in the first place. Some say the terrorists got what they wanted...divisiveness in the US....but they didnt win. This is a boxing match...they only got round one. It's time to stand up and be counted and unite as a nation once and for all...THIS IS WAR!...not some coffee house discussion group. If we remain divided..we will lose more than the war.
(My thanks to Dramaqueen for forwarding Hobbit471's email to me which this article is based)