One Lone Conservative's Reality in a Sea of Liberal Delusion's
....My Tantrum's resurface!
Published on July 8, 2004 By couchman In Misc
.....Sorry to all my haters out in JoeUser land for my keeps me busy...and to those who enjoy my Tantrum's and a short Quote for all.....

" To secure the peace is to prepare for war!" Karl von Clausewitz

I find this quote very telling especially when one considers the monumental horseshit the hyper-left puts out citing that war is outdated....peace is only an illusion...a calm before the storm as it were...thats not to say that war is something one should advocate lightly....far from it....but on the same token, one should never shirk from it when it is required....

on Jul 09, 2004
not to say that war is something one should advocate lightly....far from it....but on the same token, one should never shirk from it when it is required....
The keyword here is "required." There was no requirement to go to war with Iraq. A strong defense is what Karl von Clausewitz meant; and every president since WWII has endorsed that.

on Jul 09, 2004
The keyword here is "required."

I was going to say exactly the beat me to it.