One Lone Conservative's Reality in a Sea of Liberal Delusion's
....and what the hell did he smoke?
Published on July 9, 2004 By couchman In Misc
Got bit bored tonight so I decided to annoy the left as per usual with this Q. & A.
Lets see who can put a name to the Quote I'm leaving....and does anyone have a clue about what he said and how it would make America better?

"Defeating incumbent Republican President George W. Bush will make the world safer by making America weaker" ...TBA on Sat 10th

I sat there reading this trying to discover just what the hell this piece of shit was thinking but as usual the lefts thought pathways are how we say...abnormal....How does making the U.S. weaker make the world stronger?? Was this mental midget smoking crack? Was he sucking on Chiracs Kerry? Well it is nice to know the left hasnt gotten better..just worse!

For those trying to figure out who made that statement....I'll update the article within 24 hrs with the name...I just want to see some of the names tossed out ....I'm sure the hyper-left will be annoyed to say the least by my article...and if so then my job here tonight is done.
:::::Update::::::: The leftist ass was G. Soros....

on Jul 10, 2004
Maybe this person thinks America's strength creates a situation where the American Government abuses that power over the world by threats of force. Maybe not even physical force but by the influence we have throughout the world. Making the US a huge target for terrorist groups. Maybe this person thinks that if our Government couldn't "abuse" this power we would have to do whatever the UN said no matter what. And thus make the world and america "safer" by not ever going to war unless someone attacks us first.

Just my guess. I've heard the arguement before. Oh, and no I have no clue who said it.
on Jul 10, 2004
It was billionaire George Soros. Huge financial supporter of Kerry and the Democratic party, and incidentally the bankroll for, if I am not mistaken.