One Lone Conservative's Reality in a Sea of Liberal Delusion's
.....Will Kerry ever learn?
Published on October 8, 2004 By couchman In Republican
Even before the Iraq war, the Democrats and the left in general have been using a rather intresting line to make their talking points seem that much better that the usual "useful idiot" of course it has become the staple of their speeches, interviews, and political peep rallies.....Before no one really paid much attention when it was said..mostly because it was not in a national setting such as the presidential debates...but I guess Kerry didnt mind...he used it anyway...prob without looking into all the facts....

In one of Kerrys "moments" during the first debate between him and Bush, JFK 'Lite' had this to say.....
"We can remember when President Kennedy in the Cuban Missle Crisis sent his secretary of state to Paris to meet with President Degaulle. And in the middle of the discussion, to tell them bout the missles in Cuba, he said, 'Here let me show you the photos.' And Degaulle waved them off and said, 'No, no, no, no. The word of the President of the United States is good enough for me.' " Kerry in comparision, asked "How many leaders in the world today would respond to us, as a result of what we've done, in that way?"
The line almost sounds "believable" problem is only a thin shroud of truth lies within..all else is democratic spin and heres why....

After surveilance in the fall of 1962 revealed the existence of the missles in Cuba, JFK "the real one" had already decided to take unilateral, pre-emptive action (the naval blockade of the island nation) prior to sending Dean Acheson (Trumans Secretary of State..not Kennedys to Paris for the meeting with DeGaulle.
Records of that meeting show Degaulles first remarks were, "Are you here to consult me or to inform me?" Which was followed by Acheson's, "To Inform." It is widely agreed that if DeGaulle (Arrogant and Pompous as he was known to be) would have opposed any action if consulted. While Degaulle doesnt fit the bill as the agreeable foreign leader the democrats portray him as...there was one who was....British prime Minister Harold Macmillan who after being briefed by CIA's Sherman Kent (father of Strategic Intelligence and also at the DeGaulle meeting) stated, "..that if the president were convinced that a meaniful offensive capability were present, that was good enough for him."

Mirroring Iraq somewhat...there are several analogies one could gather between to two ....first off the missles didnt pose an immediate threat to the United States, neither Castro or Krushchev had threatened their use but they were clearly meant to itimidate Washington and raise the threat level (which they did all too well)...second and more importantly...when JFK finally did take action, it was unilateral and preemptive- under international law, a naval blockade is considered an act of war.
Unlike Iraq, there was no votes in congress authorizing the use of force...unlike Iraq, there were no votes at the UN for that same authorization either. The OAS (Organizationof American States) did endorse the action but Kennedy was prepared to move ahead without them. When the US ambassador to the UN went before the security council, just like the DeGaulle meeting, it was not to ask for was to inform . In easier terms...the UN was not being asked for permission...but simply being informed as to why the said actions were being taken....

It may be easier for Presidents to take action when they have the worlds support but as Kennedy and Bush both showed....when our security and strategic intrests require it, presidents must be prepared to act even without that support...cause ultimately No president need ever ask Frances permission before acting...if only Kerry could understand this..he might be a better candidate........
anyway thats just my 2 cents worth of opinion and historical fact.

on Oct 08, 2004
Kerry also said he had never used the "L word" in reference to Bush, but he had.

Kerry also said that he had toured Treblinka, the KGB hedquarters in Moscow, when Treblinka is actually a death camp in poland.

They'll rant to the heavens about the fact that Cheney had met Edwards at a breakfast and a party, though...

Good article. Insightful.
on Oct 08, 2004
Thanks BakerStreet....

wonder what verbal fuckups Kerry will make next...I mean that who arrogant idea that he will hold summits to find a few hundred thousand troops to replace US forces in Iraq from nations who said categoricly they wont deploy troops to iraq no matter what (france/germany) or the nations that he said have only commited a few hundred troops here or there (uk, poland,ukraine, etc)...Kerry sickens me..pompous egotistical bastard that he is
on Oct 09, 2004
Thanks for clearing away some of the partisan fog, couchman.

on Oct 09, 2004
Last night in the second Presidential debate Kerry, again, said that the uS had 90% of the casualties, ignoring Iraqi forces, again. Bush didn't call him on it, but he should have.
on Oct 09, 2004

Reply #4 By: BakerStreet - 10/9/2004 9:02:55 PM
Last night in the second Presidential debate Kerry, again, said that the uS had 90% of the casualties, ignoring Iraqi forces, again. Bush didn't call him on it, but he should have.

He did call him on it. Just not at that moment. It was later when Kerry made the remark that we were going it alone.
on Oct 10, 2004
Last night in the second Presidential debate Kerry, again, said that the uS had 90% of the casualties, ignoring Iraqi forces, again. Bush didn't call him on it, but he should have.

While the 90% casualty rate cited by Kerry is wrong....The US does have the lions share of casualties from the coalition nations (excluding Iraq) for the simple reason that US forces have the so-called "sunni triangle" region in their sphere of control...that doesnt in any way belittle the contributions of our other coalition members....who have taken casualties as well....pne thing that irks me the most in the whole troop numbers bickering is the fact that aside from russia, the european nations have militaries that are smaller that the USMC....UK for instance has a total end-strength of bout 189,000 in their various services combined...less than the USMC...does that mean they insignificant in military terms as the Kerry campaign has alluded to? hell no....but the fact that 18 of the 26 nato nations have troops in Iraq along side us and more are in the coalition as a whole...Kerry still seeks French/German troops when they categoricly have stated that they wont deploy no matter who is president
on Oct 10, 2004
Kerry still seeks French/German troops when they categoricly have stated that they wont deploy no matter who is president

German Troops are already deployed to Afghanistan for the mission of training of Afghans, so until their mission is done there don't expect help in Iraq.

France is France.
Oil For Food Program.

- GX
on Nov 04, 2004
No president need ever ask Frances permission before acting...if only Kerry could understand this..he might be a better candidate........
anyway thats just my 2 cents worth of opinion and historical fact.

I really don't understand. I truely don't understand. A concept as simply as "America do not need to ask French for permission to protect herself" need to be explained over and over to a bunch of left extremist. Forget about the concept of self defense, even if the war is a purely offensive action (like Yugoslavia where the civil war killed millions of her people, but posed no threat to USA) -- there is still no reason for us to ever ask the French. We only need to ask our own people.

Why do we ever have to ask the French for permission?and more importantly why do you and I have to even explain this to people over and over again? There are just so many left wing extremist who keep on talking about Bush is hated by the world. No, Bush is hated by the French and German, not by the world. World leaders like Bush. The World is not equal to France and Germany.