One Lone Conservative's Reality in a Sea of Liberal Delusion's
...will the Spanish finally wake-up or stay immersed in their illusion?
Published on October 19, 2004 By couchman In Current Events
The cease-fire Spain bought from the Islamo-fascist terrorists...paid for with their capitulation after the Madrid bombings seems to be constucted entirely of tissue paper.....though no offical document was ever summit held....the Socialist party and Spanish electorate in general chose to look back in Europes past and pick the one course of action that history has shown to be ineffectual at best.....appeasement. I almost await Spanish PM Zapatero walking out into a press conference holding a piece of paper declaring "We have peace in our time!" ala Neville Chamberland style. Too bad this once proud nation never learned or failed to consider histories failed ideas..appeasement never worked then or now.

Recently, Spanish officials announced the capture of 7 terrorists in a plot to bomb the high court of Spain....

"Police arrested seven suspected Islamic militants in raids across Spain on Monday to foil a planned bomb attack on the High Court, judicial sources said. The arrests came seven months after train bombs killed 191 people in Madrid.
The seven suspects, including four Algerians and one Moroccan, were arrested in the southern region of Andalusia, the Mediterranean city of Valencia and Madrid.

Further arrests could be made in the coming hours as part of the operation against a radical and violent Muslim network, the Interior Ministry said in a statement."

So much for the cease-fire/truce offered by Bin Laden...maybe these recently arrested terrorists didnt get the memo...maybe the terrorists were just playing a sick joke...or maybe...just maybe there never was a real truce...just a public relations coup for the islamo-fascists who never really ment to honor this....after Bin laden and the rest of the scum sucking bottom feeders known as islamic terrorists...Spain is still considered an islamic nation occupied by infidels (guess the Spanish forgot that) and as such must be returned to a united islamic nation....
Some will see this latest group of arrests as a victory...and to be sure the ruling Socialist party is making it known by leaps and bounds that it is...but it's only a small tactical victory...In the larger Strategic sense....after pulling out of Iraq (as was Zapatero's position before the election) after openly attempting to sway those members with troops in iraq to leave as they did (which Zapatero did) after forgoing on the effort to affect real change in the middle-east by helping to establish a democraticlly lead new Iraqi nation....Spain has lost..... I only hope they come around to their senses and realise you cant bargin with terrorists and expect not to get burnt (or blown up).

One final is often debated and pondered if what happened in Madrid before their national elections could happen here in the US...and would the same effects be mirrored....In my opinion....bombings could happen...but where the Madrid and possible bombings here diverge is that in the US, Americans would unite not against Bush...or Gore if he was President at the time ...but rather press for simpler terms Americans understand and live by, even unoffically....PAYBACKS ARE A BITCH! Al-Qaida and the Taliban learned this the hard way in Afghanistan...but then they did state publiclly that they would die to stay in power there...we just helped them meet their goal.

:::::END TRANS::::

on Oct 20, 2004
why do you assume that the Spanish were appleasing terrorists? They used their democratic right to vote in a new government after they felt betrayed by the old government. The new government immediately reissued their support for the war on terror and instigated European wide increases in anti terrorist policing. They did however also keep their promise to the Spanish electorate of removing their troops from a war the Spanish citizens did not want to be in and felt was wrong.

Spain has not 'lost'. Spain has won new found respect for doing what it believes is right despite bullying from it's american neighbours and name calling.

on Oct 20, 2004
Spain has not 'lost'. Spain has won new found respect for doing what it believes is right despite bullying from it's american neighbours and name calling.

First off....the US didnt bully Spain....nor did Spain get on one knee and bow...well not quite.....former PM Aznars goverment knew full well and understood more then its critics gave credit for the seriousness of leaving an unchecked, brutal thug (who had ignored the cease-fire agreements/U.seless N.ations resolutions for 12 years) in power....

Secondly...Even Zapatero is starting to use the term flip/flop on his anti-US position (one he has had from before 9-11)allbeit somewhat clumsily...

Thirdly....the Spanish military wasnt happy bout the pull out in the first place.....

Fourth...if you had stopped and read the article I stated that taking OBL up on his "truce" offer..which they did by their various actions...most notably publicly asking the other members of the coalition to pull out as would have realised that Spain did in effect kneel and bow to those who seek their destruction .....Islamo-fascists....( reports out of Spain show ties between ETA and al-Qaida)

Finally.....I wrote pretty much whats being talked bout in Spain the same electorate........wonder what the polls show now....might be intresting....
on Oct 21, 2004
Perhaps they did not honour the "agreement" struck by Usama bin Laden and European nations because Usama bin Laden is ... DEAD? I like to think that way. The head honcho has been knocked off in some gnat-infested cave in Pakistan and is no longer honouring agreements he made whilst alive.
on Oct 21, 2004
lol...good one nicky....and a very true possibility
on Nov 22, 2004
Listen buddy, Spain is working on their terrorist problem just like we are. So if your going to bash Spain about their terrorist problems then perhaps you should also keep in mind about the United States problem with them too.