One Lone Conservative's Reality in a Sea of Liberal Delusion's
couchman's Articles » Page 3
May 8, 2004 by couchman
Recently I came across several op-ed's pieces on the links between Mohamed Atta & the Former Iraqi Regime which by now most people have heard or read about to some extent. The report on the link itself, if true, could seriously upset what I've come to term as the Hyper-Left or even the "Useful Idiot" crowd for those that know the phrase whose arguments have been one part revolutionary, one part socialist dogma and one part intellectual elitism who have made their rather passe' catch-phrase ...
May 5, 2004 by couchman
Something has been irking me for some has to do with the over-pampered prissies (i.e. war protesters/peace in our time crowd) and their criticism over how long the US-led coalition would be in Iraq, why the infrastructure re-building is proceding slowly(lol...very little of Iraqs infrastructure was in working order prior to even the first gulf war due to neglect) and other gripes I came across this quote that does give some perspective...... "Like a baseball game, wars/occupati...
April 29, 2004 by couchman
Recently, in a news story broke by The Christian Science Monitor reporter Rondi Adamson, Canada has decided to grant temporary refugee status on Army Privates Jeremy Hinzman (25) & Brandon Hughley (19) who fled to Canada after being informed that their units would be begining the process of deployment for action in ongoing operations in Iraq/Afghanistan. Out of 1.5 million Americans currently serving, to date only these two cowards decided to run for the hills....although they have become th...
April 27, 2004 by couchman a very non-DOD approach, the Department of the Army has given the green-light to transfer 4 of the 5 remaining prototypes of the M8 Armored Gun System (AGS) to the 82nd after an Operational Needs Statement from the 18th Airborne Corps (of which the 82nd is part of) at Fort Bragg was 'kicked' upstairs to Army Forces Command that spelled out the the divisions need for a rapidly deployable vehicle with firepower that could be airdroped from an aircraft. The 82nd's requirement fo...
April 26, 2004 by couchman
"Those who now talk about the need for "Iron-clad proof" are talking election year nonsense when it comes to national survival. When the planes flew into the World Trade Center, that was iron-clad proof! When the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, that was iron-clad proof! We cannot wait for iron-clad proof in a nuclear age!" .......Thomas Sowell
April 26, 2004 by couchman
In the last week Spain, Honduras and the Dominican Republic have stated that they would pull out their military forces in Iraq citing everything from lack of UN involvement to increased threats to said forces....aside from Spain's appeasement policy (the UN already is involved in Iraq and reports have filtered out that the spanish troops aint exactly happy at being re-called home) and the two other goverments essentially punking out....the recent 'shake-up' if one could call it that in the co...
April 18, 2004 by couchman
This past saturday, King Abdullah of Jordan revealed that a major plot to detonate several bombs ,in the Amman area of his country, has links to Al-Qaida was thwarted. The three intended targets were the HQ of Jordanian Intelligence, the Jordanian Prime Ministers office in Amman as well as the US Embassy. While threats of bombings are not uncommon, one factor shows and increasing shift from the use of general explosives....the fact that materials for the construction of both a chemical bo...
April 17, 2004 by couchman
I came across this quote and it seemed to speak volumes.... "Diplomats are just as essential in starting a war as soldiers are to finishing it" --Will Rodgers
April 17, 2004 by couchman
In the early morning hours, foreign invaders attacked the United States using aircraft to launch a devastating blow that shocked the psychie of the American people and called into question their willingness to fight back. It was the first time in history that an attack of this magnitude and daring was launched against American soil, in its aftermath lay thousands of dead and dying and an almost bitter taste of revenge needing to be quenched in the minds of all in the US. Who is to b...
April 17, 2004 by couchman
Last month, Hamas' spirital and operational leader and it's founder, Yassin, was killed in a targeted strike by Israeli forces...killing him, his bodyguards and unfortunately several bystanders. While a good part of the world reacted as usual that it was "uncalled for", "he was only a religious leader" etc., it was part of the course for the 'selective outrage' mentality of Europe and the middle-east. (See my article on Yassin's death) To replace Yassin, Abdel Aziz Rantisi was 'selected' as ...
April 15, 2004 by couchman
Something I should have noted earlier but pocketed it away in the corner of my mind is the very interesting T-shirts that seem to be the 'required' dress of choice for the hyper-left's protest...these T-shirts almost always have some socialist/communist dictator or "hero"....most notably being Ernesto 'Che' Guevara...although there is the stadard rouges gallery of Castro, Mao, Stalin...even North Korea's version of the mad Elvis, Kim Jong-Il..and Saddam himself..! Do these supporter...
April 9, 2004 by couchman
After a bit of surfing the web I came across this bit by Sen. Zell Miller, D-Ga. , probably one of the few Dems I as a Republican can actually say without a doubt attained the honor and respect that myself and others in this country give him the old fashioned way....HE EARNED IT! In a speech on the senate floor, Miller blasted Clarke for his dubious statements, his party as being a joke, which hasnt gone over to well in Democratic circles...could it be because Miller has backed...
April 6, 2004 by couchman
"War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself!" .......John Stewart Mill Something the anti-war c...
April 6, 2004 by couchman
With the daily barrage of network media "hyped" stories on the varied problems the Coalition and the Iraqi people themselves face in the post-Saddam Iraq, one might get the impression that nothing has gone right for them...and to a small extent that is true but the media has tenacious appitite for pushing the so-called "hard-hitting" stories i.e. attacks on coalition/Iraqi forces then reporting on other so-called "soft" stories..i.e. anything that's not related to the attacks such as re-build...
April 1, 2004 by couchman
Recently, in the town of Fulluja, roughly bout 32 miles west of Baghdad, a small two vehical convoy was attacked by insurgent forces resulting in the death of four individuals. The victims were civilian contractors working for Blackwater Security Consulting, one of several private companies hired to provide security for food shipments among other jobs and its been reported they were enroute to provide security of one such shipment when they were attacked. Now...while the attack itself was ...