One Lone Conservative's Reality in a Sea of Liberal Delusion's
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May 12, 2004 by couchman
Heres a quote for those who believe or cry that war has become obsolete and that peace is the only recourse..... "To secure peace is to prepare for war" ---- Karl von Clausewitz The two are joined for there can be no peace without an eventual war and no war without an eventual peace....this has been the constant throughout time.....and no one can change it.(my insight)
May 5, 2004 by couchman
Something has been irking me for some has to do with the over-pampered prissies (i.e. war protesters/peace in our time crowd) and their criticism over how long the US-led coalition would be in Iraq, why the infrastructure re-building is proceding slowly(lol...very little of Iraqs infrastructure was in working order prior to even the first gulf war due to neglect) and other gripes I came across this quote that does give some perspective...... "Like a baseball game, wars/occupati...
April 26, 2004 by couchman
"Those who now talk about the need for "Iron-clad proof" are talking election year nonsense when it comes to national survival. When the planes flew into the World Trade Center, that was iron-clad proof! When the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, that was iron-clad proof! We cannot wait for iron-clad proof in a nuclear age!" .......Thomas Sowell
April 17, 2004 by couchman
I came across this quote and it seemed to speak volumes.... "Diplomats are just as essential in starting a war as soldiers are to finishing it" --Will Rodgers
April 15, 2004 by couchman
Something I should have noted earlier but pocketed it away in the corner of my mind is the very interesting T-shirts that seem to be the 'required' dress of choice for the hyper-left's protest...these T-shirts almost always have some socialist/communist dictator or "hero"....most notably being Ernesto 'Che' Guevara...although there is the stadard rouges gallery of Castro, Mao, Stalin...even North Korea's version of the mad Elvis, Kim Jong-Il..and Saddam himself..! Do these supporter...
April 6, 2004 by couchman
"War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself!" .......John Stewart Mill Something the anti-war c...
March 29, 2004 by couchman
Recently, the UN Security Council had quite an interesting proposal (bit one sided) that was begining to be circulated about via a mixed bag of UN / Palestinian delegation. The proposal's goal was a simple one - The condemnation of Israel for their targeting and killing of Hamas "Spiritual Leader" Shekh Ahmed Yassin . Yassin, the wheelchair bound leader of Hamas was killed after an Isreali helicopter fired several missiles killing Yassin and several body guards as they exited from a mo...
March 15, 2004 by couchman
"War is cruelty. There's no use trying to reform it, the crueler it is the sooner it will be over." William Tecumseh Sherman
March 13, 2004 by couchman
"Some people live an entire lifetime and wonder if they ever made a differencein the world, but the marines don't have that problem"....Ronald Reagan
March 13, 2004 by couchman
I have heard many a person agree for some unknown reason that Terrorism is a crime and as such be treated as one.... Funny but didnt Clinton do that with the World Trade Center 1 bombers...Why weren't leads followed that some of the agents investigating that case believed led to state sponsorship..?Did Clinton( i might despise him as president, never said he was dumb) have another agenda that was more pressing i.e. the Palistinian/Isreali peace process that he considered more important to pu...
March 12, 2004 by couchman
Since i have scanned many blogs round the internet....there have been one simularity with regards to the quotes of the left...They have a need to quote George Orwell when describing some grand mysterious republican agenda....well in response heres abit of Orwell in return.... "Since Pacifists have more freedom of action in countries where even traces of democracy survives.....pacifism can only act more effectively against democracy than for it."
March 11, 2004 by couchman
"If they were merely stupid, then the laws of probability would have dictated that atleast some of their decisions would have served the country's intrest" ....Sen. Joseph McCarthy in reference to Gen. George Marshall